Welcome to the University of Iowa World Language Placement test in French. The UI offers WebCAPE tests that were developed by the Humanities Research Center at Brigham Young University. These tests are designed to help you decide in which course to continue your language study.

Who should take a World Languages Placement Test (WLPT)?

  • If you completed four years of the same world language in high school, you do not need to take the WLPT unless you plan to continue studying the same language at The University of Iowa.
  • If you completed fewer than four years of the same world language in high school, discuss what you need to take with your advisor. If your major is in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, you can refer to the General Education Program requirements for your major. You will need to take the WLPT if your high school course work does not satisfy the General Education Program World Language requirement for your major.
  • If you are an open major and completed fewer than four years of the same world language in high school, you should take the WLPT.

The test results will help you and your advisor determine the best level for your first enrollment in a language course.

Placement factors considered (in addition to your WLPT score) include how long you have studied the language; strength of instruction; grades earned; experience abroad or with native speakers; and length of time since the language was studied.

Students may be eligible to earn incentive credit toward graduation through the Furthering Language Incentive Program (FLIP). If you are interested in earning FLIP credit, you should meet with your academic adviser to discuss the options and to determine whether or not you are eligible for the FLIP program. Credit hours awarded through FLIP are ungraded, and are not included in GPA calculations, but count toward the hours required for graduation. Learn more about FLIP.

Test Description and Guidelines

  • The tests are multiple-choice and cover grammar, reading, and vocabulary. The tests are adaptive, meaning the question difficulty will vary depending on how you respond. You will not be able to review an item once you have submitted your answer.
  • Complete the test in one sitting. There is no time limit but you should set aside a minimum of one hour.
  • You may not use books, notes or any other resource materials.

French Test

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Scoring and Placement

Your score will appear at the end of your test. Save the score page to a file to print a copy. If you do not see a score, login again and click on resume to complete your test.

ScorePlacement Recommendation
311 and aboveFREN:3000

*AP French Language score of 4-5 duplicates FREN:3000. Place into FREN:3060 or FREN:3300.

These are recommended placements. The best placement for you depends on the strength of your previous course work, your enjoyment of French, and whether you have been exposed to the language and culture in other ways, such as travel. If you are unsure about your placement, or if you feel that you are better in French than your placement score indicates, talk with your academic adviser or call the Department of French and Italian at (319) 335-2253 and ask for help. You may also contact the Academic Advising Center at: advising@uiowa.edu.